• This article about (and visualization of) the Starlink satellites in low-earth orbit will make you fear for the future of the night sky as seen here from Earth.

  • Return to Astro

    I’ve returned to some work on the astro side of things as I ran into some wheel-spinning on Sanity, almost all of which is very, very (very) likely to be the limitations of me bluffing my way through React in general and the manipulation of state in reaction in particular. So today I added shelf locations (barebones) to the web component, defined a route for individual books.

  • The advent of social media, with all its apparent opportunities for self-expression, briefly suggested a debased fulfillment of Hegel’s horizon of autonomy and recognition for everyone. But now, as a constitutive component of twenty-first-century capitalism, the internet’s key functions include the disabling of memory and the absorption of lived temporalities, not ending history but rendering it unreal and incomprehensible. The paralysis of remembrance occurs individually and collectively: we see this in the transience of any “analog artifacts that are digitized: rather than preservation, their fate is oblivion and loss, noted by no one.

  • Today in “Great Newsletters”: Ann Boyer’s Mirabilary compels me to find a copy of The Red Wheelbarrow:

    100 Years of Apring and All

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