I added blog posts to the bookshelves.dev site, imported from my micro.blog. The idea is that I will start using this to document bits of work that I’m able to finish, or to talk about what is blocking me.

I’m not sure why I like the idea of using the micro.blog front end, other than it feels indiewebby and dead simple. And it was sure simple to find the automatically generated public json feed. It was almost as simple to import the data from that feed into 11ty as global data.

Because I theoretically might use this platform for posts that don’t have anything to do with the bookshelves.dev project, I filtered out items that don’t have a “bookshelves” tag when creating the data collection in 11ty and using the pagination functionality to build individual posts.

The only thing left to do was to create a Netlify build hook to trigger a deployment when a new blog post is published, which is rather clumsily accomplished via Zapier and the micro.blog’s RSS feed.

Is this overly complicated? Almost certainly. But It does exactly what I want it to do. And I’m happy to mark this one as done.